API Documentation

About the Reach API Show

The Reach Application Programming Interface (API) provides a REST-ful interface to the Reach information extraction system. API services accept text fragments or NXML files for processing and return results in either FRIES Consortium JSON or IndexCard JSON format. Additionally, the NXML Uploader page allows the direct uploading and processing of an NXML file from the user's desktop via a web browser.

Send an NXML File

Send an NXML file for processing via an HTTP POST, receive results in either FRIES or IndexCard JSON format.
[ output=fries | output=indexcard | output=arizona | output=serial-json]
curl -XPOST -F 'nxml=<PMC1240239.nxml' 'http://agathon.sista.arizona.edu:8080/odinweb/api/nxml'
curl -XPOST -F 'nxml=<PMC1240239.nxml' 'http://agathon.sista.arizona.edu:8080/odinweb/api/nxml?output=indexcard'

Send Plain Text

Send a plain text snippet for processing via an HTTP POST, receive results in either FRIES or IndexCard JSON format.
[ output=fries | output=indexcard | output=arizona | output=serial-json]
curl -XPOST 'http://agathon.sista.arizona.edu:8080/odinweb/api/text' -d 'text=A Sos-1-E3b1 complex directs Rac activation by entering into a tricomplex with Eps8.'
curl -XPOST 'http://agathon.sista.arizona.edu:8080/odinweb/api/text' -d 'text=A Sos-1-E3b1 complex directs Rac activation by entering into a tricomplex with Eps8.' -d 'output=indexcard'

NXML Uploader

Upload an NXML file for processing from your local machine through a browser form. The processed results are returned to your browser in FRIES format, IndexCard format, Arizona format (TSV, aka tab-separated values), or in a serialized-object (JSON) format. WARNING: the serialized JSON format can be VERY large: use with caution.
A modern web browser capable of displaying JSON